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  • Request of 20 volunteers for an EEB3 parental focus group - Council of Europe: Digital Citizenship Education project

    The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states including those of the European Union. All members of the Council of Europe have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

    Digital Citizenship Education project

  • Request of 20 volunteers for an EEB3 parental focus group - Council of Europe: Digital Citizenship Education project

    Background :

    The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states including those of the European Union. All members of the Council of Europe have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

    Digital Citizenship Education project

  • EEB3 success in Belgian French-speaking Rhetoric's Competition

    On Wednesday 16 January, five S6 students from our school (chosen after an internal pre-selection) participated in the first stage of the competition of eloquence in French. This competition is organised for the 32th consecutive year by the Athénée Charles Rogier in Liège and is addressed to the students of the last two years of the secondary education institutions in Belgium. Let us note that this is the first time a European School participates in this manifestation.

    Our candidates are:

    Eliott Boublil, Natalia Buggenhout, Laura Dondi, Clémence Fougeray, Iris Hanoune.

  • Parution du nouveau roman de Madame Stalmans - Présentation à la Foire du Livre de Bruxelles

    Nathalie Stalmans, Si j'avais des ailes. Bruxelles au temps de Charlotte Brontë (Genèse édition, 2019).

    Là où se trouve aujourd'hui le palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) s'élevait au 19e siècle un pensionnat pour jeunes filles. Charlotte Brontë âgée de 25 ans y arrive en 1842. Elle veut perfectionner son français. Elle y tombe désespérément amoureuse du mari de la directrice...

  • London Universities information Panel at BSB

    Dear Parents,

    We are hosting an event on Thursday 7th February 2019 with:

    Imperial College London
    King’s College London
    The London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)
    University College London (UCL)

    The Doodle sign-up is in the poster.

    Mark Andrews

    Head of Higher Education

    Film Co-ordinator

  • Annonce pour le prochain film de MARC FITOUSSI avec Karin Viard et Yvan ATTAL


    Pour le long métrage "Valses de Vienne" réalisé par Marc Fitoussi, produit par Thelma Films et Scope Pictures.

    Avec Yvan Attal et Karin Viard.

    Tournage en Belgique et en Autriche entre mars et mai 2019.

    Mcasting est à la recherche :

    - De garçons de 6-9 ans toutes ethnies confondues.

    Pour des raisons de productions, nous consulterons uniquement les candidatures de résidents belges !!!

    Si vous êtes prêts à tenter l’aventure, merci d'envoyer deux photos récentes ainsi que la date de naissance, la ville, la taille et un numéro

  • Canteen action: I taste and I discover: Netherlands menu

    Dear Parents,

    The entire "Cantine" team wishes you a happy new year in 2019.

    We are very motivated to continue our action "I taste-I discover" since it has been very appreciated in the last month by our favorite customers: your children.

    This month, on Thursday 24 January, The Netherlands will be in the spotlight with the menu:

    Country sausage Stamppot (potato with green cabbage) and for dessert Poffertjes (mini pancakes).

  • Today special

    Thursday January 31st

    Starter : pumpkin soup

    Miller cod, cauliflower and broccolis, potatoes and parsley
