For general enquiries : 02 211 40 05 (10AM - 12AM) suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Canteen WG.
The Canteen staff together with the nutritionist, establishes weekly and monthly menus according to the season and the specific period of the school year, and adapting the portion-sizes for the different age-groups.
All meals for the Canteen and the Cafeteria are prepared in-house by the Canteen kitchen staffPlease consult also the monthly menu .
All payment must be made with a personalised electronic badge, issued by the canteen office. All secondary students registered in the canteen are provided with the electronic badge automatically. Future S1 pupils receive their badge in P5 around the end of the school year. Parents of pupils not enrolled for the canteen can request the badge via MyAPEEE.
Badges can be topped up online at Parents must contact the Canteen Office to obtain an access login to the online badge management system.
Purchase of badge on MyAPEEE
Online: pay online the deposit for the badge, to be collected at the Canteen office between 11:00 and 11:30
Enrolment to the school canteen service is done separately for each pupil and exclusively through our the platform MyAPEEE.
Existing enrolments need to be renewed for each new school year.The annual enrolment period is open usually in June of the previous school year. The exact period is communicated to parents by email.
New enrolments are accepted at anytime. Prior payment of the APEEE annual membership fee (fixed amount per family) is a prerequisite for the enrolment for any of the APEEE services. All modifications to enrolments must be submitted online via our platform MyAPEEEFor more information, please consult our website’s page Canteen enrolment & cost.
1st term: September-December | 15 October |
2nd term: January-April | 15 December |
3rd term: May-July | 15 April |
All Nursery and Primary pupils who bring their lunch from home have lunch with their class in the refectory.
Secondary pupils not enrolled for the canteen are not allowed to the refectory.
Changes are possible only for fixed days of the week and any request for a change/cancellation of the enrolment needs to be submitted via MyAPEEE.
From October onwards,
- all requests for change/cancellation resulting from a permanent long-term change in the school timetable will be taken into account with immediate effect, provided that they are submitted at least 5 working days before the requested change;
- any other request for change/cancellation will be taken into account from the 1st day of the following month
Please find all useful information on the canteen Enrolment and Cost page.
A refund is made for all canteen services in cases of justified absence of a student (e.g., as of the 6th consecutive working day of absence, provided that the pupil is enrolled with the canteen service at least 3 days per week). Parents must inform the Canteen Office from the onset of the absence period and send the justification no more than one week after the end of the absence.
1. a) force majeure relating to School organisation: reimbursement is made to all parents in cases of unforeseen closure of the school for at least five consecutive school days;
2. b) definitive early departure: students leaving the school can obtain a refund as from the first full calendar month starting no fewer than fifteen days after the notification by the parent(s) to the APEEE;
3. c) changes: if the APEEE changes or cancels the services for which a pupil is enrolled, or if the school changes the student's timetable and thereby prevents the child from using the service
4. d) justified absence: a refund is made for all canteen services in cases of justified absence of a student (e.g., as of the 6th consecutive working day of absence, provided that the pupil is enrolled with the canteen service at least 3 days per week). Parents must inform the Canteen Office from the onset of the absence period and send the justification no more than one week after the end of the absence.
All requests for reimbursement must be addressed to the Canteen Office. All requests for changes resulting from the change of the student's timetable by the school must be submitted at least 5 working days before the requested change. Reimbursement shall be calculated pro rata temporis.
In order to give the pupils registered at the Canteen the opportunity to eat their meal, for all activities authorised by the School management at least 3 days in advance (e.g. tests, support, meetings, school outings, sports trips, etc.), a replacement ticket for the hot meal in the Canteen will be issued in exchange for a sandwich/ fruit/ drink ticket in the cafeteria.
1) Primary pupils
For educational support and similar activities, the teacher must communicate regularly to the canteen an updated list of concerned pupils throughout the school year. For whole-class activities (one-day class excursions, sport days etc.), the teacher must send a request to the Canteen Office at least 2 working days in advance, including a list of the pupils concerned.
2) Secondary pupils
The teacher or school administrator must send a request to the Canteen Office at least 2 working days in advance (at least 1 week for groups > 20 pupils), including a list of the pupils concerned. Depending on the request, pupils will be provided directly with cold lunch or with a replacement ticket to collect their cold lunch in the cafeteria.
3) Special ad-hoc activities in secondary cycle
For ad-hoc activities authorised by the school and notified to the canteen in advance by the teacher or school administration (e.g. exams, Springfest preparatory meetings, Pupils’ Committee etc.) , a replacement ticket can be issued. Detailed information on the rules applying to replacement tickets is available from the Canteen Office.
Same day requests will be refused.
Nursery & Primary:
1st service | Nursery | 11:15-11:45 | P1+P2 | 11:15-11:45 |
2nd service | P3+P5 | 11:50-12:15 |
3rd service | P4 | 12:20-12:45 |
S1 - S2 | 12.50 |
S3 - S4- S6 | 13.00 |
S5 - S7 | 13.50 |
On Wednesdays, lunch starts at 11:50 for nursery pupils and at 13:00 for all other pupils.
The school is responsible for the supervision during lunch time either by class teachers or supervisors, depending the cycle. The only exception is on Wednesday (see below).
The APEEE staff supervises the entry/exit of secondary pupils through the access control terminal of the refectory.
The table service staff made available through an external service provider, Atalian Global Services, is responsible for cleaning the tables before the next service.
• Nursery and P1-P2 pupils eat together with their classmates in the refectory, including the pupils with packed lunches ("tartinists"), supervised by their class teacher. There are designated seating areas for each class.
• P3-P5 pupils eat together with their classmates in the refectory, including pupils with packed lunches ("tartinists"), supervised by the class teacher or a school supervisor (1 for each table), who also ensure the table service. There are designated seating areas for each class.
• Secondary pupils: lunch supervision is ensured by school supervisors.
• Nursery children: the teachers supervise the lunch, then accompany them to the school bus, at the meeting point of the OIB garderie at school, to the assembly place to be picked up by parents or to the designated places for extracurricular activities.
• Lunch of children (primary & secondary) attending the OIB garderies: the OIB staff supervises the lunch and accompany the children to the bus for the OIB garderies.
• Primary and secondary pupils not attending the OIB garderies: the APEEE staff supervises lunch at the cantine, then accompany them to their extracurricular activities or to the meeting point to be picked up by parents)
YES - as all nursery classes have lunch at school and can then take the bus/other options
NO - the bus leaves at 13.00 (before the lunchtime)
N.B. pupils can choose the option Lunch Box (take-away cold lunch) on Wednesday (available in the canteen drop-down menu in MyAPEEE)
NO the bus leaves at 13.00 (before lunchtime at the canteen)
N.B. pupils can choose the option Lunch Box (take-away cold lunch) on Wednesday (available in the canteen drop-down menu in MyAPEEE)
Yes. Pupils participating in extracurricular activities on Wednesday afternoon may eat at the canteen, if enrolled for the canteen. The APEEE staff supervises the lunch and then accompany the children to their extracurricular activity. Alternatively, a pupil may bring a packed lunch from home.