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Enrolment and Cost

Enrolment is possible via our online MyApeee platform on and must be carried out separately for each pupil on an annual basis, during the enrolment period (usually in June/July for the following school year, in two phases). Existing enrolments need to be renewed for each school year.

Parents receive notification by e-mail informing them when the enrolment process is open for new applications. At the same time, the list of extracurricular activities on offer for the year in question is published.

Pupils can only be admitted to the extracurricular activities once parents have received confirmation of their enrolment.

Allocation of places for an activity:
- At the end of phase 1, places will be allocated automatically at random by the system. Confirmation will be sent to you by email either if a place has been allocated to your child or if no place has been allocated. In the latter case, your child will automatically be placed on a waiting list; you will be informed by email if a place becomes available in an activity and your child is at the top of the waiting list.
- During phase 2, places are allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. However, you will be informed by email if a place becomes available in an activity and your child is at the top of the waiting list.

There are five types of enrolment:
(for full details please see the APEEE Regulation on Extracurricular Activities)

Collective After School Activities (including Snack &Go and Monitored Study - étude) The enrolment period opens in June, for a 2 week period after which it is subsequently closed, in order to establish a first allocation of the applications submitted and the level of demand for individual activities. A second phase opens again before the summer holidays until early September for activities where places are still available. After this period, later enrolments are possible during the year on a rolling basis, subject to availability of places.

For Monitored Study and Snack & Go, enrolment is possible at any time throughout the year.

Nursery and P1/P2 Collective After School Activities (Friday afternoon starting at 12:15) Enrolment is organized on a semester basis. Enrolment for both semesters opens at the same time, in June. It is advised to register for both semesters at that time in order to avoid disappointment. The same enrolment procedure is followed as for collective activities.
Snack&Go once Request to participate in the Snack&Go on an occasional basis must be sent by e-mail to the Office no later than 12h00 on the day in question. An invoice (10€) will be subsequently issued through MY APEEE.

Enrolment for regular, weekly attendance of Snack and Go should be carried out as for collective activities.

Individual Music Lessons (10 lessons of 30 minutes) Enrolment is possible throughout the year.
  1. Please contact the music teacher directly to agree on a time slot for the lesson.
  2. Inform the Extracurricular Activities Office by email of the proposed lesson as agreed with the teacher. The enrolment is confirmed (subject to payment), once registered by the Office in MY APEEE.
    Please consult the online list of available music teachers
End of year summer stage (during the last 2 weeks of the summer term) Parents receive a notification in May informing of the planning of summer stages and how to enroll. The summer stage is designed for S1-6 students during the last 2 weeks of the summer term.
How to enrol for after school extracurricular activities in MY APEEE

The proposed after school activities are organised in different categories e.g.: culture, music, sport,.. Parents may apply for multiple activities on the same day and time (in the same semester) and indicate an order of priority. For each pupil, parents may indicate up to 3 activities as “high priority” and two as “medium priority”. The remainder will be considered as “standard priority”. Although every effort is made to ensure that pupils are allocated to their preferred activity, availability is limited and first/second choice activities cannot be guaranteed. The selection process is carried out electronically on a random basis.

In case an application is not approved it will remain on a "Waiting List" (unless the request is withdrawn) and parents will be informed if a place becomes available.

Video Tutorial: Enrolment for After School Extracurricular Activities


The price for each extracurricular activity is fixed by the APEEE Board and reviewed on an annual basis. The prices vary per activity:
  • Individual music lessons are payable for a series of 10 lessons of 30 minutes (see list of music teachers for current prices).
  • The price of the summer stage is fixed each year and published with the announcement of the stage and opening of the enrolment period (in May).

Further details on the enrolment are provided in the Extracurricular Activities Regulation