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Language Section Representatives

Each language section is represented on the APEEE Board and on the School Education Council (EC) both at secondary and nursery/primary level. The section representatives (one for primary and one for secondary) are elected by the class representatives of each language section. One representative for the whole of the nursery section is elected from all the nursery class representatives.

Unless otherwise indicated, please contact the language section reps via your class representative


Primary Secondary Contact
CZ Pavel Borkovec Tomas Hruby
DE Doris Gradenegger Laura Schmidt
EL Marianna Milioni Eleni Magklara
EN* Sarah Buckley Collins Hodson Deirdre
ES Oscar Ruiz Arteaga Veronica Reigosa
FR Stéphanie Bonin Laurence Schubert
NL Marc van Leeuwen Jacinto Geraldes


Primary Secondary Contact
CZ Magdalena Spooner Lucie Lamperova
DE Nico Thom Urlike Stierle
EL Stavroula Koutoulakou Georgios Patris Eleanna Stergiouli (rotation)
EN* Stephanie Beilhartz Eamon O'Reilly
ES Helena Ramos Elena Martin Alonso
FR Carlo Chemaly Kristina Deiberova
NL Marc Van Leuuwen Kati SULE
APEEE Board :Sajad YAQUB
Education Council : Stefan STANEV
SWALS/Slovak (Students Without A Language Section)

In schools where the section corresponding to a pupil’s mother tongue/dominant language does not exist, he/she will generally be enrolled in one of the vehicular language sections (remark – English, French, German). He/She will attend the classes in his/her mother tongue/ dominant language organised for so-called SWALS (Students Without A Language Section) as L1. Parents will not be free to choose their child’s first language (L1), its determination being the responsibility of the school’s Director. L1 must correspond to the child’s mother tongue or dominant language, in the case of multilingual children, the dominant language being the one of which they have the best command.

SK SWALS Representatives
Eliska Mamdaniova
Zuzana Repkova
Monika Suchanova
Matus Minarik
Peter Repka

Contact :
SK SWALS Facebook group