Educational affairs are coordinated by the APEEE Educational Advisory Committee (EAC), chaired by the APEEE’s vice president for educational affairs. Each section is represented in the EAC by at least one member of the APEEE Board. Furthermore the members of the educational councils for secondary and for primary/nursery participate in the EAC.
Coordination of Nursery/Primary/Secondary Educational Affairs
The main purpose of the EAC is to coordinate the APEEE activities in the educational domain. The APEEE is represented in the following bodies operating at the level of the school which deal with educational issues:
In addition to the formal meetings with the school management parent representatives have occasionally more informal discussions with the school management.
EAC Working Groups
The following working groups in the educational domain reside under the EAC:Working group on primary and nursery education
This working group prepares the primary and nursery education council meetings. Its members are the CE representatives, the president and vice-president for educational affairs and other Board members
Among the topics addressed by the group are:
Working group on secondary education
The main activity of this group is to prepare the secondary education council meetings. Its members are the CE representatives, the president and vice-president for educational affairs and Board members.
Among the topics addressed by the group are:
The Working Group on Prevention of Violence, Well-being, Drugs and Addiction at school
This working group has around ten members; it is chaired by an APEEE Board member, other members are other Board members, CE members, class representatives. The group has a thematic focus and represents the three school cycles. The group meets among itself + with the school management. It works together with similar working groups in the other Brussels European schools
Among the topics addressed by the group are:
Presentation of WG Well being - Prevention of violence at school / Harassment / Addictions / Drugs
Coordination of General EEB3 Educational Affairs
In addition to the specific areas dealt with by the working groups, the EAC seeks to coordinate the APEEE position in areas which are not specific to the primary/nursery or secondary cycles. Among the topics addressed are:
Coordination of Educational Matters outside the borders of the school
Within the system of European Schools, the APEEE is represented through Inter Parents. In this context the APEEE participates in the meetings of the Joint Enrolment Authority for European Schools which decides on rules for enrolment and which implements the enrolment system. One member of the APEEE Board participates in the Inter Parents working group on educational support.
The APEEE further cooperates more specifically with the APEEEs of the other Brussels European schools on issues that particularly concern the four European Schools in Brussels (such as the creation of a fifth European school).
For a more detailed overview of educational activities you can consult the pedagogical affairs part of the annual APEEE report as submitted to the General Assembly on an annual basis.