Our staff Manager: Isabelle CALLENS Assistants: Emilia JARVIS, Audrey-Ann MONTIER, Kevin PETROUSKI OPENING HOURS Weekdays (except Wednesdays): 07:15 - 17:45 Wednesdays: 07:15 – 14:00 TELEPHONE For General Enquiries: 02 211 40 03 For urgent matters parents may call at any time during office hours 0472 172 078 E-MAIL transport@apeeeb3.be LOCATION Ground floor - Athena building (Administration) APEEE Board - Transport Working Group Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions or concerns. General queries should be addressed to the Transport Office Staff. TRANSPORT Working Group Tomas HRUBY (sector responsible, CZ section) Pavol Juhas (SWALS/FR section) Doris Gradenegger (DE section) Oscar Ruiz Arteaga (ES section)