Items lost within the Primary School’s buildings are brought to the Eureka room (Dali building, D003).
This room is managed by the school, with a different Primary class keeping the room tidy and sorted every week. Primary students can visit the room at any point by asking their teacher for access.
Valuable items (such as glasses, watches, musical instruments, etc) are brought to the Secretary Office of the Primary cycle (D109).
A team of volunteer parents also help sort through the room and keep a list of the items present.
The volunteers open the Eureka room twice a week for parents to look for items that their children may not have found.
Parents can visit on Mondays from 8:00 to 8:30 and Wednesdays from 12:30 to 13:00, when the room is opened by volunteers.
To do so, they must email a request at least 1 working day in advance to specifying the day they wish to visit.
If you wish to volunteer, you can contact Stephanie Beilhartz.
At the end of the school year, any unclaimed items are donated to charity.
The number of unclaimed items at the end of 2023-2024 was staggering. In the spring, when the P2 classes marked 100 days of school, they were able to display 100 unclaimed jackets while barely making a difference in the total.
Please remember to label your children’s jackets, jumpers, swimming bags, lunchboxes, etc. with their full name.