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European Day of Languages - Public event in the EP on 30 September 2017

What is the European Day of Languages?

Following the success of the Year of Languages in 2001, which was jointly organised by the European Union  and the Council of Europe, the latter declared a European Day of Languages, to be celebrated on 26t September every year.

The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are:

·        alerting the public to the importance of language learning and broadening the range of languages learned, in order to increase multilingualism and intercultural understanding;

·        promoting the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe, which must be preserved and fostered;

·        encouraging lifelong language learning in and out of school, whether for study purposes, for professional needs, for purposes of mobility or for pleasure and exchanges.


The European Parliament is going to celebrate the European Day of Languages by organising a public event on Saturday 30 September 2017 dedicated to the Multilingualism.


This event is open to the public and it could be interesting for students in secondary years as interpreters and translators of the European Parliament will be explaining the work that they do: translation and interpretation talks and workshops will be organised.


Students and parents are more than welcome.