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  • Transport service operation: Friday 21 December 2018

    Dear Parents,

    May we remind you that the school will be closed from Monday 24 December 2018 to Monday 7 January 2019 inclusive.

    On Friday 21 December 2018, notwithstanding the School's decision to cancel the 9th period for Secondary, please note that there will be two bus departures as usual:

    - 1st departure at 15:35 (for MAT, P, S1-S2) and

    - 2nd departure at 16:30 (for S3-S5 and the MAT, P pupils that follow an APEEE extracurricular activity).

  • Wear your hoodies for a drone pic

    Dear all, 

  • Protest in Brussels this Friday 14 december 2018

    Dear Parents,

    Police inform us that a protest is expected this Friday 14 December, 2018.

    We expect possible delays for buses going through around Schuman area.

    Buses goig to the various Garderies will leave the school and try to make it to the different Garderies.

    If some buses are blocked, drivers will have to bring back the children to school and parents will be notified.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Sommet - 13th and 14th of december 2018

    Dear parents,

    Please note that this Thursday and Friday there is a European Summit.

    We anticipate possible delays for buses going to Schuman and Cinquantenaire.

    Buses to the different Garderies will leave the school and will try to take the children to the different Garderies.

    If they are blocked by the police, the drivers will eventually have to take the children back to school and the parents will be informed as soon as possible.

  • Transport satisfaction survey

  • Wednesday take-away lunch for secondary students


    Dear parents,

  • Saturday 8 December - AGM & 2 Parent/Teacher support Meetings

    Parent/teacher support meetings for English-speaking families affected by Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)

    Saturday 8 December between 10am and 4pm

    Location : IBC Fellowship Hall, Lange Eikstraat 76, 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

    Price - (includes sessions 1 + 2) - free for Members, 12 euro for Non-Members

    1. ADHD & Dyslexia, LD, etc (10:00 - 12:00) - Facilitated by Dr. Ed. Joanne Norris, President & Education Chair of ADHD, ASD & LD Belgium, former teacher and ADHD, ASC & Dyslexia specialised Coach, Trainer.

  • Message from Students - Climate Change - 20/11/2018

    Dear Parents of the European schools,

    This may be useful information, regarding the student demonstration, November 20th from 09.00-12.00am at "Place Schuman".