Transport service - Covid-19 Safety Measures
Please find all useful information of the transport service timetable and your enrolment on the APEEE enrolment platform (MyAPEEE).
Hygiene measures:
• All staff (drivers and bus monitors) are obliged to use masks for the entire duration of the journey, and to regularly disinfect their hands.
• Deep cleaning of the vehicles with designated products, including steam cleaning, will be done after each service (morning, afternoon) on all surfaces on board.
• Hand sanitisers will be available on each bus.
• Some windows will remain open during the trip.
• The air-cool / air-heat systems will be cleaned regularly.
Seating arrangements:
• Siblings will be requested to sit together and the older sibling will need to look after the younger one(s), i.e. ensuring that the younger child has its belt fastened;
• Pupils will maintain the same seat on the bus where possible.
• Pupils will board and disembark from the rear door, in order to minimise the contacts between pupils as well as with the bus driver.
Normal seating arrangements will apply with the younger pupils (MAT, P1) seated in the first rows and the oldest secondary pupils in the back of the vehicle.
Obligations of parents and pupils:
• Given that the buses will be operating at up to full capacity, pupils are required to wear their own masks for the duration of the bus journey. This applies to all pupils, including those under 12 years old and Nursery pupils. Please note that you may need to provide your children with an additional number of masks per day (for any loss, damage, prolonged use etc.).
• It is important for parents to check their child’s temperature before leaving home to catch the bus. Children are to be kept home if they are running a fever or have any other symptoms indicating illness.
• You are requested to maintain a 1.5m distance and to wear a mask at the bus stops, as well as to ensure that the appropriate distance is maintained by pupils as well.
• You are asked to disinfect the hands of your children just before boarding the bus.
Additional information:
• No changes will be accepted to the ordinary enrolment of pupils (buses and bus stops) until further notice.
• The APEEE did its utmost to ensure the highest compliance with the recommendations of the Belgian authorities while ensuring a full service to all pupils. Our precautionary policy has been notified to the competent authorities and shared with the European Commission services. Any adaptation deemed necessary will be performed, as appropriate.
• Parents remain the only ones to decide about their preferred transportation means to and from the School.