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The APEEE Transport Office organises daily transport to and from school for around 2400 pupils every year.

Organisation - Daily service

There is a single bus service collection every morning to bring the children to school, arriving between 8:00 and 8:25.
Several departure times of buses are foreseen depending on the day of the week:
1st Departure
Nursery/Primary/S1 & S2 15h35 15h35 13h00
Morning bus
numbers and routes
(in reverse) apply
15h35 15h35
Transfer to OIB Garderie
(afterschool centres)
15h35 15h35 13h30
(after lunch at school)
15h35 12h30
(Nursery/P1 & P2 only)
2nd Departure
and Nursery/Primary
pupils attending an
extracurricular activity
16h30 16h30 16h30 16h30
Transfer to OIB Garderie
(afterschool centres)
FOR Nursery/Primary
pupils attending
an extracurricular activity
16h30 16h30 16h30 16h30

OIB afterschool centres “Garderies”

There is a daily bus service to the OIB afterschool centres “garderies” (8 buses going to the different sites) for the first departure (at 15:35) and Wednesdays (at 13:30, after lunch in the canteen). A bus service “garderies” was also added for the second departure (2 buses), in order to accommodate N / P pupils that are enrolled in extracurricular activities.