Request for financial support from the APEEE Social Fund Student name* Name of student/class/section OR school community member Applicant* Name of applicant parent (if beneficiary is a student) E-mail* Your email address Family situation* - Select -Marié(e)Partenariat enregistréParent isolé(e)autre (veuillez préciser ci-dessous)) Situation familiale (marié(e)/partenariat enregistré/parent isolé(e)/autre (veuillez préciser)) Other (family situation) * Please specify your family situation! Situation professionnelle - Select -Fonctionnaire de l’UE (groupe de fonctions et grade)Agent contractuel de l’UE (groupe de fonctions)Autre fonction (c’est-à-dire END auprès des institutions ou organes de l’UE (veuillez préciser))Agent OTAN/EurocontrolMembre de la représentation permanente d’un État membre de l’UEEmployé de l’APEEAutre activité professionnelle (veuillez préciser)Sans emploi Other function* Please specify your function Other professional activity* Please specify you other professional activity Monthly net income* € Monthly net income, including any family allowances and alimony (in EUR) Monthly rent or mortgage payment* € Monthly rent or mortgage payment (in EUR) Monthly loan payments* € Monthly loan payments (in EUR) Health situation Please provide details if relevant Demande d’aide pour l’un des frais suivants* Frais de scolaritéMatériel scolaireÉquipement obligatoire (par exemple, appareil électronique à apporter en cours)Voyages/sorties scolaires obligatoiresActivités éducatives périscolaires (par exemple, Eurosport, MUN, MEC ou Olympiade, etc.)Transport scolaireCantine scolaireActivité périscolaire de l’APEEEAutres frais Veuillez sélectionner une ou plusieurs des options suivantes. Total cost* Amount requested* Supporting financial or other personal information* Supporting financial or other personal information (please indicate the supporting documents which you are attaching to this request) Maximum 3 files.5 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip. Reason and circumstances justifying the application Detailed reason and circumstances justifying the application The undersigned certifies that all information contained in this request is correct and corresponds to the truth The undersigned accepts that the personal information provided herein will be used for the purposes of assessing the request, subject to applicable confidentiality and data protection rules. All documents or information provided by the applicant are to be treated in a confidential manner and returned back or destroyed immediately after the assessment of the request. The undersigned accepts that financial assistance granted on the basis of false declarations will be claimed back. All expenses for the recovery of the amount will be charged to him/her.