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  • First phase of the Enrolment process for the extracurricular activities

    Dear parents,

    Let us first thank you for your very positive remarks and appreciation for the Enrolment system that allows you to manage from a single application your registrations to all APEEE services.

    The first phase of the Enrolment process for the extracurricular activities has been completed on June 27. Places will now be assigned to the extracurricular activities with a random process for overbooked activities and direct acceptance for all other activities. (For more information on this process please consult the APEEE page.

  • Enroment schedule 2017 - 2018

    Dear Parents,

     Please click here to consult the different dates and information concerning the subscriptions to the different services of the APEEE.

     Kind regards,

    Your APEEE

  • New in cafeteria

    Following some students' requests, we propose now some vegan products:

    - sandwiches with humus

  • Adoption by the Board via a written procedure No 12/2017

    In the previous years, Springfest tickets could be purchased by cash only. The following amount of cash was collected in the previous years:
    School year 2015/2016 (year without parents): approximately 33,000 €
    School year 2014/2015: approximately 62,000 €

    The objective of APEEE is to reduce the number of cash based transactions for the Springfest (replacing cash payments either via payment terminals or e-payments via web application). Therefore, a provider of e-payment services needs to be selected.