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English-Speaking University Panels and Fairs

The British School of Brussels is organising multiple events for English-speaking universities:



Recordings from Previous Panels

UK Universities (from 08/10/24): Google Drive


Past Events

Ireland University Panel - Wed 06/11 at 19:00, Google Meet

The panel will cover the main hot topics of studying in Ireland, including application routes, tuition fees, and student life.

Universities present:

  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University of Galway
  • Dublin City University
  • Griffith University


World Class Study in London (WCSiL) - Wed 13/11, 19:00-21:00, BSB Campus (Tervuren)

This will be an opportunity to hear a short presentation from the universities and then meet the representatives in a mini-fair.

Universities present:

  • Imperial College of London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • University College London (UCL)

More information



Canada Uni Night - Mon 18/11, 19:00-21:00, BSB Campus (Tervuren)

This will be an opportunity to hear a short presentation from the universities and then meet the representatives in a mini-fair.

Universities present:

  • Concordia University
  • McGill University
  • McMaster University
  • Queen's University
  • Waterloo University
  • Western University
  • York University

More information and registration



Study at University in Australia and New Zealand - Wed 27/11 at 19:00, Zoom

Online presentation by Stefan Watts from Study Options, a free advice and application service to students interested in applying to universities in Australia and New Zealand. Stefan has been advising students on their options for nearly 20 years. Join the session to hear about the courses available, the universities that offer them and gain information about scholarship opportunities and learn more about the application process.

Zoom link:



Studying in the Netherlands - Thu 5/12 at 19:00, Zoom

Join the Dutch University Consortium institutions for an information session about studying in the Netherlands. Learn about what options are available, how admissions and application work, how the notion of ‘fit’ is critical in your study choice process, and more.
Ask your questions to the panel of experts before being able to join the universities of your choice in their breakout rooms for more specific information about their programmes.

Part One: 'Uni in NL 101' panel
Part Two*: Breakout into Zoom 'rooms' with the Dutch University Consortium member institutions

Register to the information sessions

Zoom link for Part One*: 

*The password to Part One as well as the links and passwords to Part Two were communicated in the newsletter sent out on Wednesday 04/12. A request to can also be made if you missed or are not registered to the newsletter.


UK University Fair - Tue 21/01, 19:00-21:00, BSB Campus (Tervuren)

The fair will take place in Rubens Hall of the BSB.

Universities present:

  • Cardiff University
  • Royal Holloway London
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Southampton
  • Falmouth University
  • University of Essex
  • University of Surrey
  • Brunel University of London
  • Leeds Arts University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • (Durham University - to be confirmed)



Oxbridge Evening - Fri 31/01, 19:00-20:30, BSB Campus (Tervuren)

The speakers will be Dr Caroline Burt, Dr Richard Partington and Dr Mark Wormald. They will present on the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, especially what makes the education there distinctive. They will also cover the admissions process and what makes a strong application. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Caroline is the Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where she is also a Tutor of History.

Richard is the Senior Tutor at St John's College Cambridge, where he also teaches medieval British politics.

Mark is Senior Tutor of Corpus Christi, Oxford and a Fellow and Tutor in Biochemistry and Chemistry. He is Admissions Co-ordinator for Biochemistry for the university.

More information and registration (maximum of 3 tickets per order)