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Saturday 8 December - AGM & 2 Parent/Teacher support Meetings

Parent/teacher support meetings for English-speaking families affected by Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)

Saturday 8 December between 10am and 4pm

Location : IBC Fellowship Hall, Lange Eikstraat 76, 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem

Price - (includes sessions 1 + 2) - free for Members, 12 euro for Non-Members

1. ADHD & Dyslexia, LD, etc (10:00 - 12:00) - Facilitated by Dr. Ed. Joanne Norris, President & Education Chair of ADHD, ASD & LD Belgium, former teacher and ADHD, ASC & Dyslexia specialised Coach, Trainer.

This support clinic is for Members and Non-members, parents, professionals and teachers who need some advice about the management of ADHD and LDs at home and at school.

Participants can get their questions and concerns answered as well as benefiting from the experiences and strategies of their peers. Parents of newly diagnosed children with ADHD can get more of an understanding of this complex condition and leave with a few tips about how to address their most pressing concerns at present.

Advice about schooling, homework issues, behaviour management, sibling rivalry, etc. All are welcome.

Registration -

Membership -

2. Autistic Spectrum Issues (12:30 – 14:30) - Facilitated by: Feliciea Jibson, MA Autism, qualified teacher with 15 years of special needs experience with students on the autism spectrum and challenging behaviour. Experience with students with severe and profound learning difficulties, autism, physical disabilities and complex medical needs. Passionate about quality education for all students with autism, devoting time to research on the latest brain development discoveries to make sure she offers the best support for them.

If those who attended her training on 17 November, 2018 still need more information or have new questions and concerns, this is your opportunity to get this information. If you have any unusual questions that you need answered, it would be a good idea to send these to and we will give them to Feliciea in advance of the session.

This support clinic is for Members and Non-members, parents, professionals and teachers

Registration -

Membership -

3. Annual General Meeting (15:00 – 16:00)

We invite all Members of ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium to our AGM.

This is your chance to have some influence over our future programme and goals.

Please note we will be serving drinks and biscuits, but if you plan on attending a couple of sessions, we suggest you bring sandwiches.