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March 2020 - Health Week Special Menu!

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

 (Hippocrates, 460-356 B.C.)

Adhering to the Health Week project, which will take place the first week of March, the Canteen will offer a special weekly menu. This direct action aims to support reflection on the importance of a correct and balanced diet. But what does "healthy eating" really mean? In a nutshell, it is the establishment of a balance between :
  • eating "good" proteins;
  • eating "good" cereals;
  • eating fruits and vegetables daily;
  • drinking water.
Thus, in the "Health Week" menu, fresh fish, legumes, and seasonal fruits and vegetables will be featured.
For more information, please consult the menu. Do not hesitate to contact the Canteen staff and our nutritionist, Ms Wauters, for any further information!