BAC Exams
The APEEE has been made aware of several concerns and informal complaints, which were put forward by S7 students and parents during recent weeks in relation to some subjects, specifically Biology 4, History 4, Chemistry and Mathematics on the following grounds: translation errors, substantial inaccuracies, contradictions between the curriculum, the taught subjects and the written instructions. The situation from one to another European School varies significantly as well as the reactions from one linguistic section to another.
All input was extremely helpful, as it enabled us to act in close co-operation with InterParents and to voice all concerns immediately at the level of the BAC Unit in the Office of the Secretary-General of European Schools (OSGES).
The same issues were raised also within our school (bilaterally as well as in the most recent Secondary Education Council meeting). The Deputy Director for Secondary Education, Mr Garry demonstrated his active support and willingness to relay them promptly via the official channels.
While BAC orals are underway, we wish to inform all parents that there is so far no communication about the official position of the BAC Unit. In most cases the envisaged solutions remain purely internal.
Under the current rules, no formal communication is expected, unless the decision is to allow a re-sit to all students who have suffered a problem (which is not evident at this stage).
Formal complaints (appeals) for any procedural irregularities are only possible from parents (of students under 18) or from students over 18 after the communication of the final BAC results.
The APEEE stresses the importance of OSGES adopting all appropriate corrective and moderating measures with a view to restoring fairness and assuring a good BAC quality. Since June 2018, we have submitted recommendations for improving the BAC examination process and for contributing to an overall fair and harmonised evaluation across the board. We regret that the recent incidents demonstrate that further efforts and consultations with national inspectors as well as with teacher and