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  • Unclaimed Mobile Devices

    Dear parents,

    Please find below the picture of unclaimed mobile devices confiscated from pupils.

    Contact Mrs Rudalska if you believe one of these devices belong to your child.

    Picture of the back of a black mobile phone with a case

  • A New Bus has Joined the Fleet!

    Exterior front of a Setra bus on the school parking lot

  • School Mobile Device Policy

    Dear parents,

    As you have been informed by the school management, our school has adopted a revised Mobile Devices policy, which will apply for all cycles from the start of this school year.

    This policy is part of the Good Behaviour Policy and was adopted following discussions in the Working Group set by the school management, including teachers, pupils and parents.

  • New Vending Machine for the Secondary School

    New snacks and drinks vendor machine available for the students and the staff in the C building (Olympia area) of the secondary school!

    A variety of biscuits and nuts are available for purchase, as well a selection of drinks.

  • Second Hand School Books

    Still missing some books for the new school year?

    Don’t forget to have a look at the APEEE second hand online booksale and you might be able to buy what you need second-hand!

    You can buy (and sell!) not just textbooks but also other books used during the school year, as well as calculators.

  • Pick up Waiting Area after School
    Please find the following communication by the school regarding the waiting area for picking up your children after 17:00 (14:00 on Wednesdays).

    Dear Colleagues and Parents,

    We would like to inform you of some changes that will come about regarding the pickup place of your child when they finish APPS (Garderie) or Periscolaire Activities (APEEE) as from the 4 September 2024.

  • APEEE Services – First Days of School 2024/2025

    Dear parents,

    We look forward to welcoming you to a new school year!

  • APEEE Class Representatives Election 2024/2025

    Dear Parents, 

  • Enrolments 2024/2025 – Useful information

    Dear Parents,

    Please find some useful information about the enrolment in the APEEE services for the school year 2024/2025.

  • Student Exchange Programme 2024 – Call for Host Families


    The APEEE is calling for families willing to host students during the next semester (September – December 2024), particularly: students from Differdange (1), Alicante (2), Frankfurt (1), Luxemburg II (1) and Varese (2).