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Update on the Canteen – 15/12

Please find the latest news about the canteen:

  1. We continue serving cold pasta salad for P1-P2. On Tuesday 15/12 it will be “Salade de riz/poivrons mixtes en cubes/concombre/échalotes/saumon frais émietté/aneth/sauce citronnée”, on Thursday 17/12 “Salade de pommes de terre/œufs durs/ échalotes/ciboulette/dés de saucisson et jambon/haricots verts/mayonnaise légère”. We thank all parents who provide their child with reusable spoon to reduce plastic waste.   
  2. The canteen will offer regular alternatives to sandwiches for all pupils as of January (at least 2x per week). 
  3. We thank all parents for the feedback about the quality of lunch boxes. Please find a few answers below. You can always use our online feedback form to provide further feedback, both positive and negative.  Below are some of the latest feedbacks received from parents, and the Canteen’s reply.

Parents: “Please provide fresh soups on a daily basis.” “Potages pour toutes les primaires.” “The best option would be to have a warm soup every day! Please, please, do reconsider giving soup to P1 and P2!” 

Canteen: “We provide daily soup for nursery and secondary. The school doesn’t wish us to serve soup for primary.”


Parents: “Please also try to propose quiches or salads with vegetables. Hard eggs, pieces of cheese, mini tomatoes and cut carrots. Salty vegetable cakes are also an option.”

Canteen: “We already serve vegetables like mini tomatoes or carrot sticks. We will start testing the mentioned recipes as of January.”


Parents: “Please start serving also some cold pasta salads, fresh vegetables, etc. also to Secondary children. In addition, a warm panini or some other small warm food would be appreciated (e. g. rice with meat/veggies, pizza, bolognese etc. These can be served in paper boxes/cups).”

Canteen: “Secondary students already receive an enhanced service (soup, vegetarian option, choice of fruits). The feedback from students is very positive. We will offer alternatives to sandwiches at least 2x per week as of January. We can’t serve hot food, the school decided to respect the prohibition issued for Belgian schools.”


Parents: “We would appreciate if the sandwiches were less 'dry', and include some butter or cheese like Philadelphia.”

Canteen: “We are aware of the issue. On the other hand, there’s a considerable group of pupils who prefer sandwiches without butter, soft cheese and similar. There is unfortunately no way to satisfy both demands at the same time.”