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School Library

Would you like to support the school library by joining a team of volunteer parents?

There are a number of opportunities for parent volunteers to get involved and support the library staff, in particular in the Primary school.

If you are interested in any one of these opportunities, please contact the staff in charge of the Nursery and Primary Library.

One day a week, students in Primary school have the possibility to go to the library during their lunch break, where they can read independently or listen to a story or just for some quiet time. The students are split into 2 groups:

12:10 – 12:30 P1 / P2
12:30 – 12:50 P3 / P4 / P5

Volunteer parents are needed to assist with the supervision and story-telling.

When? Mondays, from 12:10 to 12:50

More volunteers are needed in order to expand this activity to an additional day each week, please contact the Library (details below) if you are interested in volunteering.

The school library (both Primary and Secondary) rely on support from volunteer parents for the encoding of new books in certain languages, notably Czech, Greek, Slovak and to a lesser extent Dutch, German and Spanish.

Interested parents who are used to working with Microsoft Office are offered a half day training at the school in September.

A growing number of parents are getting involved with learning the art of Kamisihibai. This is a visual story telling tradition originating in Japan. The Kamisihibai is a small theatre box with large prints on the back of which is printed a story that the narrator reads whilst the listener sees a related image. Parents who are interested can be trained in this art and then perform this form of story telling in small groups within primary classes.


Nursery & Primary Librarian │ European School - Brussels III
Sunita MAJA
Tel:  +32 (0)2 629 47 40