Give APEEE feedback on pre-Baccalaureate Exam
Dear S7 Parents,
The APEEE would like to take this opportunity to follow up on the recent pre-Baccalaureate exam. You may send any feedback you might have to the APEEE secretariat ( — ideally with your class and section reps in cc: — to let us know how your student experienced the recent examinations. You may want to give feedback on the following aspects of the pre-Baccalaureate exam; in particular:
- exam arrangements: suitability of the timetabling of exams (sequence and combination of subjects across the two weeks); problems with procedures/policies in administering exams; suitability of exam conditions (attention to student specific needs, heating, etc)
- exam content: perceived difficulty of content; mismatch between exam content and syllabus requirements; problems with the exam paper format or structure; problems with question formulation, language used or translation
- exam results: low or anomalous results across class, section or subject
- access to results: the student was unable to access the exam paper, script, comments or breakdown of marks; access was difficult or the procedure was unclear
- anything else...
If you have experienced a problem with a particular exam, DO also provide details about the exam itself (subject and language). We will use this data to provide feedback to the school on general policies and procedures, but we may also use it to identify and address particularly problematic cases. We will eventually produce a short report on this year's exam at Ixelles for INTERPARENTS.
We apologise for the short notice, but we would appreciate if you could get back to us before Friday, 21 February at 5pm.
Kind regards,
Anastassios PAPADOPOULOS (APEEE Board President)
Koen NOMDEN (APEEE Vice-President Educational affairs)