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Enrolment 19-20


 APEEE Enrolment Schedule

Please find here below the enrolment dates to the APEEE services:

May 13
a) APEEE annual family membership fee
b) Invitation to register of new families

June 03-June 14

June 24-July18

Always open as from August 26 

Enrolment process for Transport

June 03-June 14

June 24- July18

Always open as from August 26

Enrolment process for canteen

June 17-June 28

July 8- July 18

Always open as from August 26 

Enrolment process for extracurricular activities

New parents will automatically receive an invitation email to register or will have to send their contact details (name and email address) to  in order to receive the invitation email.

Kind request: Due to the preparations of the enrolment process only contact us if you encounter technical difficulties. If you don't know your family ID, simply put your child's ID or name, and if you don't know your personal number contact your service or again add 1 and always study the INTRODUCTION TO ENROLMENT and our ONLINE STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL VIDEOS regarding the enrolment process. 


1. How to select the School Year you need to enrol your child/children to
Kindly log in and simply click on the School Year list at the top right corner below your name/language flag. 

2. How to pay the APEEE annual membership fee and other services

The annual (PER FAMILY) APEEE membership fee for year 2019 - 2020 should be paid first, in order to be able to enrol to the APEEE services (Canteen, Extracurricular activities and transport).

The payment for the annual fee 2019/2020 is possible only after the payment of all remaining instalments for services provided in 2018-2019. 

The payments for any other approved service should be done in the same way.



How to pay the annual fee:

-          Online via this link:

-          Via bank transfer on the following bank account: IBAN: BE55 3101 9586 7944/ BIC: BBRUBEBB

-          Communication: “Name of your child or ( if known) ID family + “annual fee 19/20”

3. How to complete the registration of your family account once you receive the invitation email

This process in only required from new families and parents on the enrolment platform. You should avoid using your professional email address as it might spam or even completely block our email and thus make our communication via email impossible. Professional email accounts have strict rules and filters on incoming emails and might strip emails from their content or not deliver them at all. We kindly ask you to use your personal email for the e-Enrolment process and communication.

Remark: The invitation email might go to your spam folder. Kindly check your spam folder regularly and if you find our email there, click it and set it as safe or not spam according to your email service provider


After completing the registration process and when and your account has been approved, you will receive your login details (a different set of username and password for each parent). You can then login to your enrolment account  at

Once you log in to the Enrolment platform you might see a notification message in red about the APEEE annual membership fee. This fee should be paid in advance before applying for services for the school year 2019 - 2020. In case you have already paid your subscription fee but still see this notification, kindly disconnect and reconnect to the system and if you still face the same issue kindly contact us by email at so that we can check it.

If you have not paid your annual fee, then you only have the option to temporarily save your applications. The save/submit option will be activated once the annual APEEE membership fee has been confirmed on the system and you will need to submit any temporarily saved applications so that they can be reviewed by APEEE staff and be accepted or rejected accordingly.
Once your application has been reviewed by us, you will receive a notification email stating if your application has been completely or partially accepted or rejected.


4. How to apply for Transport
Parents that apply for the first time to this service, need to follow the procedure as shown on the video tutorial.

Parents, whose children were enrolled to this service during the previous school year, will be able to reinstate their old preferences and check whether the information provided is still accurate, including on the daily schedule of the child, before submitting the new application. The contact information and home address of at least one of the parents is mandatory.Parents of MAT or P pupils are requested to express their consent by providing recent profile photos of their children, as those will be used daily with our new "Bus presence" application. Link to the APEEE Privacy Statement.

Parents living separately will need to communicate all information relating to the pupil's second home by email to the Transport Office ( be reminded that the transport service covers the journey "home-school-home" or "school-garderie" and that the bus routes and capacity of our buses are decided exclusively on this basis.


Remark: Please note that you will be able to modify your enrolment on the basis of the final school timetable in September. Parents of S pupils are requested to register their children already now to the afternoon bus (1st or 2nd departure) they consider most probable, in order to facilitate the planning of our service.

5. How to apply for the Canteen

New parents will need to follow the process as shown on the video tutorial. Parents whose children were enrolled to this service in previous years might find their old preferencies and therefore might only need to check that everything is correct and submit their demand.
The application for the canteen is easy and straightforward. You only need to create a schedule and choose the day on which you wish your child to eat at the canteen. In case you select Wednesday and/or Friday, you also need to select what your child will do after the canteen.


Remark: Concerning the canteen, please note that during the whole month of September, we accept all days registration changes, following the timetable changes. You can then register your child, even if you don't know yet which day he/she can have lunch. From October on, the changes will be taken into account from beginning of November. Please note that for Friday, if your child is from P3 to S7, you just choose "continue school".

6. How to apply for Extracurricular Activities

The extracurricular activities are categorized in different categories like Culture, Musique, Sport etc. You can apply for as many activities as you need but for a maximum of 3 activities taking place at the same semester day and time. The selection of the children to be approved will be done by an electronic process of random selection by the system in which nobody has the right to intervene. In case your application is not approved it will remain in a "Waiting List" status (unless you cancel your request) and we will inform you once there are any free places.
Activities may be on a semester basis, therefore split in 2 parts (a) from September 12 to February 3 and (b) from February 6 to June 30.


Remark: There is a limited number of places for extracurricular activities and the selection for an activity will be done by random draw. You can select more than one activity taking place on the same day and at the same time, but you will be allocated to attend only one of those activities

7. How to make changes changes to your family/child

Check the following video to edit your child's / family's profile and to edit your information and contact info. It is mandatory to add a profile photo of every child from nursery to primary for their badge and for children who apply for Transport for classes M1-M2, P1-P5.
